Flag Football
The North Georgia Amateur Umpire Association (NGAUA) was founded in 1954 and is registered as a corporation with the State of Georgia. NGAUA acts as an agent for individual umpires. Originally, services were provided for both baseball and softball umpires, but currently services are provided for softball, basketball, and flag football umpires. The number of umpires using NGAUA's services varies, but recently this number has consistently been around 160.
NGAUA has a tradition of leadership in umpiring. There are six current or former NGAUA umpires in the Georgia ASA Hall of Honor in the umpire category, and two current members are in the Metro Atlanta ASA Hall of Honor in the umpire category. Currently, a member of the ASA National Umpire Staff, the Georgia ASA North Umpire in Chief and the Georgia ASA District One Umpire in Chief are NGAUA members. Two members of NGAUA have attained international certification. There are less than 100 active umpires in the United States with this certification. NGAUA umpires are regular participants at all levels of post-season tournament play leading to state, national and world championships. In these tournaments, umpires are evaluated based upon their performance. NGAUA umpires have an outstanding record of performance - often working the final day of the tournament. One example is that in the 1992 ASA Women's C Slow Pitch National Tournament. All four umpires in the infield were members of NGAUA. Another example is the 1994 ASA Girl's 14 and Under Fast Pitch National Tournament the entire umpiring crew for the winner's bracket final was from NGAUA. In fact, over 25% of the umpiring staff selected (on merit) for this tournament were from NGAUA. NGAUA has also sent more umpires to district and state GHSA tournaments than any other umpire association in Georgia. The plate umpires for the 1996 GHSA fast pitch AAA championship game and the 1997 GHSA fast pitch AAAA championship game were NGAUA members.
- NGAUA's leadership has been demonstrated in other ways. Recently, Eddie Andrews, South Florida ASA Commissioner, used NGAUA's constitution and by-laws as a guide when he reorganized his umpiring program. NGAUA's training program has been forwarded to the ASA National Staff.
To provide the quality of umpires that local leagues deserve, NGAUA has long considered its training service to be vital NGAUA's training schedule has been used as an example by local ASA leaders. This service has been patterned after the training procedures used by the ASA National Umpiring Staff. One of the unique aspects of this training is that, in addition to the normal rule book clinics, field training is required for all NGAUA umpires regardless of background or experience. This training covers fast pitch, slow pitch, and modified and all of the different softball associations represented in this area (ASA, USSSA, and ISA). Many NGAUA umpires choose, at their own expense, to continue this training at umpire schools taught by the ASA National Umpire Staff.
NGAUA has always believed that it has had an obligation to give back to the community in which it resides. Thus, every year NGAUA donates over $3000 to the Georgia Special Olympics. In addition, NGAUA annually works with several charitable organizations to help with fund-raisers.
NGAUA is governed by a constitution and by-laws. These documents specify that an annual election of a Board of Directors be held by the membership. This Board manages the implementation of the above mentioned services.