This organization shall be known as the North Georgia Amateur Umpire Association (NGAUA) and registered with the State of Georgia as a non-profit organization.
The purpose of this organization is to operate as a non-profit membership association to negotiate and process contracts for its members to officiate amateur athletic sports by:
A. Developing and maintaining a membership consisting of experienced and capable officials whose integrity is above reproach.
B. Fostering a high standard of ethics, sportsmanship, cooperation, and understanding among officials, players, coaches, athletic directors, press, and the general public.
C. Promoting uniformity of mechanics of officiating amateur athletic sports at all levels of competition.
D. Aiding members in acquiring thorough knowledge of the playing rules and mechanics and keeping all officials up to date on the latest rule changes and interpretations.
E. Maintaining a relation between the number of members in NGAUA and the number of schools and recreation leagues contracted with each year to facilitate the constant availability of officials who are recognized as being from a highly qualified organization.
Section 1:
Membership in NGAUA shall be open to any qualified applicant regardless of sex, race, creed or religion who is willing and able to meet and follow the requirements set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws of the North NGAUA membership in NGAUA shall be for the current calendar year.
Section 2:
The total membership, including any cut-off date for applications, shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3:
All applicants shall submit a completed NGAUA application and NGAUA membership dues to the Secretary-Treasurer for processing.
Section 1:
The Officers of NGAUA shall be the President, VicePresident, Secretary-Treasurer, and Coordinator.
Section 2:
The Officers shall have a minimum of five (5) current consecutive years membership in NGAUA.
The President Shall:
A. Preside at all meetings of the Association, Board of Directors, and Officers.
B. Announce business before the Association, Board of Directors, and Officers.
C. Have no vote at the Association or Board of Directors meetings except where the votes are equally divided or when the Association is electing Officers and Board of Directors by secret ballot.
D. Serve on the Contract Committee for negotiations on behalf of NGAUA.
E. Appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than two members of NGAUA in good standing.
F. Appoint an audit committee to be approved by the Board of Directors.
G. In case of absence or inability to perform duties of the Recording Secretary at any NGAUA meeting, the President shall appoint any member present to fulfill these duties at said meeting.
H. Appoint to office any eligible member to fill a vacancy among the Officers, Recording Secretary, or Board of Directors until such time as a successor is elected.
I. Appoints all committees.
Section 2:
The Vice President Shall:
A. Assist the President, when requested to do so, in the performance of his/her duties.
B. Assume the duties of the President in case of his/her absence, disqualification, or inability to act.
C. Act as the Association Parliamentarian and be familiar with the New Roberts Rules of Order.
D. Serve on the Contract Committee.
Section 3:
The Coordinator Shall:
A. Maintain the necessary liaison with the schools, recreation departments and the affiliated associations.
B. Serve as Chairperson of the Contracts Committee for negotiations in behalf of NGAUA with the schools and recreation departments.
C. Maintain an up-to-date, accurate record of qualifications, game assignments and any other information as requested by the Board of Directors. Such information shall be available to the Board of Directors or such persons as they may designate.
D. Assign officials to league and tournament games with the guidance of the Board of Directors.
E. Furnish the Secretary-Treasurer a list of games officiated, by members and by park, each week.
F. Be paid a commission of six percent (6%) per game for performance of the Coordinators duties.
G. Appoint a Training Coordinator, who is a member of NGAUA.
Section 4:
The Secretary-Treasurer Shall:
A. Receive applications for membership and submit them to the Board of Directors for acceptance or rejection. If accepted, the Secretary-Treasurer shall furnish each new member with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws. If rejected, he/she shall return the membership dues to the applicant.
B. Compile and publish a list of the membership.
C. Notify members of date, time, and place of the election and special meetings of the membership.
D. Collect and have charge of all monies due or paid NGAUA and shall place in one fund in the name and credit of the North Georgia Amateur Umpire Association in a depository approved by the Board of Directors.
E. Prepare checks to pay all expenses and disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors. All checks shall be co-signed by two members of the executive board. If the bank generates the check(s) or if the check(s) is generated by electronic means, two signatures will not be required.
F. Receive and audit each member's statement of games officiated each month.
G. Prepare a statement to each school and recreation department for services performed each month.
H. Prepare a financial report of monies received and disbursed with a statement of the account balance at the end of the calendar year or upon termination from office, whichever comes first.
I. Prepare and distribute yearly net earnings to each member and the Internal Revenue Service as required by Federal Law.
J. Be paid a commission of three percent (3%) per game for performance of the Secretary-Treasurer duties.
K. Serve on the Contract Committee for negotiations in behalf of NGAUA.
Section 5:
The Training Coordinator, appointed by the Coordinator and approved by the Board of Directors, Shall:
A. Be responsible for coordinating all training activities for NGAUA.
B. In some instances be reimbursed for certain expenses incurred when working in behalf of or representing NGAUA. The Board of Directors shall specify the amount(s) to be reimbursed.
Section 1:
The Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, shall be the Officers, Recording Secretary, and five (5) Members at large.
Section 2:
The Recording Secretary and the five (5) members at large shall have a minimum of two (2) current consecutive years membership in NGAUA.
Section 1:
The Recording Secretary Shall:
A. Keep a record of the proceedings (minutes) of the Association or Board of Directors and be prepared to read the minutes at the following meeting for acceptance, corrections, or additions.
B. Maintain attendance records at all meetings.
Section 2:
The Board of Directors Shall:
A. See that all matters set forth in the Policies, Constitution and By-Laws are upheld.
B. Adopt regulations and policies as may be deemed necessary provided such action does not conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of NGAUA.
C. Investigate complaints against a member of NGAUA and any other matters that pertain to the best interest of NGAUA. The Board of Directors shall take any action as may be deemed necessary - including reprimand, assessment, suspension, expulsion or any combination thereof after due process.
D. Review applications for membership and approve or disapprove each individual applicant.
Section 3:
Members of the Board of Directors shall be expected to attend all Association and Board of Directors meetings. Any Board member missing (3) consecutive meetings without justification acceptable to the Board of Directors shall automatically be terminated from office. All unexcused absences shall be subject to disciplinary action as may be deemed necessary by the Board of Directors.
Section 1:
Members shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Coordinator. A valid negotiating team shall consist of not less than two members. They may appoint additional members if necessary.
Section 2:
All contracts and agreements involving NGAUA shall be negotiated by the contracts Committee with the guidance of the Board of Directors.
Section 1:
Election of the Officers, Recording Secretary, and five (5) Board Members shall be filled each year at the election meeting by a majority of the voting membership present voting by secret ballot.
Section 2A:
The term of office for the Officers, Recording Secretary and At Large Directors will be two (2) years or until their successor is elected or appointed. Terms will be staggered as follows:
President will be elected in odd number years
Vice President will be elected in even number years
Secretary-Treasurer will be elected in even years.
Coordinator will be elected in odd years
Section 2B:
Recording Secretary will be elected in even years
At Large Director 1 and 2 will be elected in even years
At Large Director 3, 4 and 5 will be elected in odd years
Section 3:
No member shall be listed on a ballot for more than one position. No member shall be elected or appointed to serve in more than one (1) elective office at the same time.
Section 4:
Only members in good standing shall be allowed to vote and hold office.
Section 1:
NGAUA shall operate as a non-profit cooperative membership association that serves as agent to negotiate and process contracts for its members to officiate athletic sports games with school and recreation departments. NGAUA shall secure games, assign officials, collect game fees, and distribute monies to its members for games officiated. This service is performed for a fee as an administrative convenience for both the hiring institutions and NGAUA members and in no way creates an employee/employer relationship. Each NGAUA member shall be an independent contractor who provides his/her own officiating gear and is solely responsible for any taxes (State, Federal, Social Security, etc.) on earnings from their officiating services. Each member shall set his/her own work schedule, depending upon availability of games, with NGAUA's Coordinator. A member's acceptance of a game assignment from NGAUA's Coordinator shall constitute a contract to officiate said game per NGAUA's Policies, Constitution and By-Laws and the playing rules of the school or recreation department.
Section 2:
No part of the earnings of the NGAUA shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or any other private persons, except that NGAUA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth n ARTICLE II. Hereof, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Constitution and By-Laws, NGAUA shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in the furtherance of the purposes of NGAUA.
Section 3:
No member of the Board of Directors shall be required any bond or surety. None of them shall be responsible or liable for the acts of omission by any other directors, or any predecessor, or any agent, depository, or counsel selected with care.
Section 4:
Upon the dissolution of the NGAUA, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for payment of all liabilities of NGAUA, dispose of all the remaining assets to a charitable organization as the Board of Directors shall determine.
Section 5:
No member of the NGAUA can obligate NGAUA without authorization by the Officers, the Board of Directors.
Section 6:
The NGAUA Board of Directors shall have the right to adopt policies to govern the operations of NGAUA. All policies shall be consistent with the Articles of the Constitution or By-Laws of NGAUA.
Section 1:
NGAUA shall have the authority to establish and amend its Policies, Constitution, and By-Laws provided that such action does not conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of its affiliated Associations.
Section 2:
Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be submitted to the NGAUA membership by the Board of Directors, a Constitution and By-Laws Committee, or by written request of one-third (1/3) of the membership.
Section 3:
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of NGAUA by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership present voting by secret ballot, provided each member is given or sent a copy of proposed amendments a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the meeting such amendments are to be voted upon.